Saturday, November 5, 2011


十一月三日(The Star)星報訃聞登載Mr Khoo Tatt Soon’s obituary.

曾擔任初中地理的已故邱達舜老師,不幸於十一月二日辭世, 享年78歲。


附貼的照片,相信將能喚起老同學們, 對已故邱老師片片斷斷的回憶。

謹此 表示我們沉痛的哀悼。

1 comment:

  1. Mr Khoo Tatt Soon lived on the same road as my house in Penang and he would always sound his car horn to greet me when he saw me standing outside my house. A very respectable and likable teacher at Chung Ling High School. Dr. Leow
