Tuesday, September 25, 2007

回顾 曾德发(CHAN TEIK HUAT)墨迹

刚贴过 建源世叔的翰墨集, 欣慰得到一些知交在观赏 。

这两天在CLOBS656769通信网中见到出自 曾德发学长的墨迹。 就字而言,我很欣赏, 整体美观。

我跟品学兼优的 德发学长不甚熟悉, 但很佩服, 也羡慕他练得一手好书法。

于今总是后悔, 自己小时没有听取先父的教晦, 没有耐心去学, 也错过跟 建源世叔学习的机会。

现在又没有督促下一代儿女练习书法, 罪责难逃。

透过网络, 推荐好书法, 让我们大家一同观赏, 回顾一下有深厚书法功底的名家士子, 总是好事 。


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Clobs65/67 40th Class Reunion




Make a date for Clobs 65/67 40th Class Reunion.

Please take note of the following program for the 40th Re-union dinner in Penang.

November 30th, Friday evening, 8.00pm,
Hawker food at the hawker food court opposite Northam Hotel,

December 01, Saturday morning, 10.00am
Meet in Chung Ling High School Ayer Itam. Briefing by school principal on the latest development in the school

December 01, Saturday, evening, 7.00pm
40th Re-union dinner at G-Hotel, Gurney Drive, Penang,

December 02, Sunday, morning, 7.30am
Meet in Botanical Garden for morning walk and breakfast

December 02, Sunday, afternoon, 12.30pm

Source: Fuan Wah & Boo Hock

Saturday, September 8, 2007


This article is posted again at:

收到武福的电邮, clobs656769 通信录添了一位成员,Dr. Ooi Ee Lee。

1968由槟华女中转来钟中报读大学一年级先修班的优秀生。 clobs6567的学长对她的印像会可能比较陌生。

黄绮丽医生令家严,建源世叔 与先父是世交。


我要在此衷心地感谢 他的恩典。



几年前,其子女将他各体书法作品70余幅,集册于“黄建源翰墨集” 付梓传世。



为中国的文化和传承 建源世叔 精湛的书法付出一份力,未经他老人家同意,我贴上网,让大家都有观赏这一本书艺的机会。


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to Yeoh Moh How 杨慕浩on 7th September 2007

Quoted from the First Issue of Annual Sixth Form Magazine 1968:

“A towkay face with rosy cheeks makes him the ideal heir to Tun Tan’s* post.”

A proven Face Reading case, today he is a successful towkay in Melbourne.

In recognition of his achievement, he is appointed the President of Chung Ling Alumni Melbourne, http://chunglingalumnimel.com/ for Year 2006-2008.

On his good work of leadership, Chung Ling Alumni Melbourne has recently organized the 38th Chung Ling Worldwide Carnival at Melbourne on 6th December 2006.

It is a great honour to clobs656769.

Happy Birthday and Good Health to Moh How 慕浩 on 7th September 2007

*Tun Tan Siew Sin, former Finance Minister of Malaysia