Thursday, January 26, 2012

訃告: 駱聯海學長令尊往生

All Clobs 6567,

I read with a heavy heart vide sms from Jeffrey Cheah Joo Eng today on the passing of our Loh Lean Hye 9675 's father on the 1st day of CNY. The funeral, however, will be on tomorrow, Fri 27 Jan 12 11am from his residence at No. 33, Jalan Concord 12, Tanjung Bungah Penang.

On behalf of all Clobs6567, I send our deepest condolences to Loh Lean Hye (HP: refer Clobs list) & his family and pray that they will come of this peacefully & stronger.
邱武福 9728
Boo Hock