Saturday, December 10, 2011


文獻摘自東方日報, 老校友胡萬鐸撰寫











Friday, November 25, 2011



Sunday, November 6, 2011


真敬佩廖傳子學長Atomic Leow, 這種孜孜不倦的終生學習精神!


From: Leow Atomic
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Translation of the Romanian Newspaper clip into English

Dear All,

As requested by many of you, I have now translated the Romanian newspaper clip into English for your viewing pleasure (see below).

Kindest regards,

Dr. Atomic Leow

Singapore and a Canadian studying at Iasi

The most bizarre students


What brought Atomic Leow, Ph.D. in Toxicology from Melbourne, a graduate of Theology in Singapore, who holds resounding international inventions - plant that grows without soil - and the person with an absolutely impressive CV at the age of 62 years old to come to iasi to do Medicine?

Among the thousands of foreign students that give color and tint to multicultural Iasi, some come for the visit of a semester, others for a full course of study of Medicine in Romania for six years.

Although Atomic Leow’s research is remarkable which were publicizedinternationally, the Romanian friends called him \"Bruce Lee\"

Dr. Atomic Leow says with glee and in pride: \"I am 62 years old and medical student in the Clinical Year.\" Originally from Singapore, from a family of doctors, he came to Iasi to study for his 6th degree in Medicine after receiving five degrees, two of which obtained with \"First Class Honours\". Dr. Leow’s PhD degree research is in the area of toxicology from one of the Universities of Melbourne, Australia. He had published a total of 25 scientific papers on toxicology and biotechnology. Dr. Leow’s research on how orchids can be grown without soil i.e. by hydroponics had brought him fame in his native country Singapore, and beyond.

\"People in Singapore knows me, I released the first CD-ROM in the world on hydroponics and pioneered the world first hydroponic cultivation of orchids,\" says Atomic. His invention was featured on Singapore television research and international press. The technology is now licensed to a biotechnology company and a major grower of orchids in Singapore. Dr. Leow, the medical student is now wearing his heavy boots with white gown and stethoscope, strolling on the campus of University GT Popa of Medicine and Pharmacy at Iasi, Romania.

Besides his many science degrees, Dr. Leow also graduated from theology with First Class Honours. He had done evangelical missions in Australia, Holland, France and Malaysia, and served as prison counselor for the prisoners and drug addicts. \"My job was to tell the convicts about God and the need to repent of their sins, some of these prisoners were hanged, others had been given a second chance,\" says Atomic, reciting some Greek text with fluency, one of six languages he knows (Mandarin, English, Chinese, Malay, Thai, Hebrew). Dr. Leow’s curriculum vitae spanned 8 pages, and full of eye catching accomplishments and awards and through 30 years of professional working experience, both academically and outside his working sphere. Dr. Leow originally started to study medicine in England but the fee was 20,000 pounds per year, far too high for what he could afford and so he quitted the course after half a year. When he consulted others for a medical school with cheaper cost and reputation, he was referred to the Romanian medical school.

\"All those I know called me Bruce Lee\"

Dr. Leow had not seen his wife and two girls for two years who is staying in Australia. He hope to become grandparent next year after his elder daughter Olivia’s wedding shortly after he came to Romania. \"I made an effort to ensure my girls’ names are not unusual as mine (Atomic). He named his daughters Olivia and Fiona, away from his family’s tradition to name the children with scientific names. Laughter erupts in a joyful Atomic. \"No father knows how many problems I had with this name Atomic. Atomic’s father wanted his children to be scientists and so named his children Atomic, Power, Hydrogen and Nuclear. Dr. Leow was often challenged by his colleagues for a fight to show them his atomic power” and he was often being nicked named atomic bomb. Even the Immigration Departments in various countries joked with him \"Do not do anything wrong, we\'ll catch you Atomic! One of the unique things Dr. Leow found out about the Romanians is that they are very friendly people, and will always offer help when you need them. Dr. Leow had never felt discriminated against at any time or being called funny names. In Romania, Dr. Leow was often being called “Bruce Lee” because of his karate expertise.

\"I pioneered the first bodybuilding club in the Singapore school and I am committee member of the Singapore Bodybuilder’s Federation,\" and Dr. Leow admits that the only unpleasant time spent in Iasi when he had to use his atomic power was when two Gypsies tried to rob his wallet, and he floored them with one karate punch. Despite his mature age, he was not give any preferential treatment in the University spot sessions. After more than two years on Romanian land, Dr. Leow had only been to Bucharest and he is fascinated with the Dracula castle at Transylvania and intended to visit it soon.

Guinness Book

At an age when others are thinking about retirement, Atomic may be headed to the Guinness Book as the oldest person to graduate in medicine in the world. 20 years ago, no Universities will accept a mature student over 40 years, but now the situation has changed. The oldest graduate of Medicine in the world recorded is a Malaysian Indian who graduated at the age of 62 years old. “I will graduate at the age of 65 years old,” remarked Atomic enthusiastic and probably will enter the Guinness book as the oldest medical graduate in the world. The biggest challenge for Dr. Leow in Iasi is how to integrate with his much younger peers in class who can be his sons. To go through it again was difficult, but Dr. Leow made a concerted afford to overcome this generation gap problem and succeeded to do so. Now we are friends, eat, laugh, and go out together. I have people very close in class from Taiwan, Israel and Greece. We have shown that age is no barrier. Atomic is fascinated by the practice in the hospital, dress in white robe and held in pride as medical professionals.

Find the cure for breast cancer

Atomic’s dream of becoming a doctor is to find a cure for breast cancer. On a notebook outlines \"Regression of the breast tumor\" he scribbled how he intends to achieve it. After graduation, Atomic intends to foster the link of medicine between Singapore and Romania. Atomic’s passion for medicine arises from compassion for people and a desire to help the poor and desolate, and not based on earning money. Atomic concluded \"we must use our brains all the time, so as to avoid mental regression. \" \"I will choose the same university in Romania again because 99% of the Romanians are very nice people compared to some European countries which I experience racist remarks.

\"Romanian people here are great, my neighbours will come at 12 midnight to help me catch a mouse,\" Atomic said. Atomic’s philosophy of marriage is that once you are marred, divorce should not be an option”. Atomic said resignedly, \"I miss Chinese food, I must admit that Romanians are not the best chefs and their cooking are not fantastic compared to what we have in Singapore,\" he says. Atomic enjoys the menu the university cafeteria because \"It\'s very cheap.\"

Saturday, November 5, 2011


十一月三日(The Star)星報訃聞登載Mr Khoo Tatt Soon’s obituary.

曾擔任初中地理的已故邱達舜老師,不幸於十一月二日辭世, 享年78歲。


附貼的照片,相信將能喚起老同學們, 對已故邱老師片片斷斷的回憶。

謹此 表示我們沉痛的哀悼。

Monday, September 19, 2011




Tuesday, September 13, 2011

訃告 - 許延仁老師



Friday, June 17, 2011

20110617 我只在乎你

鄧麗君主唱: 我只在乎你 (I only care about you)

作曲:三木たかし(Miki Takashi)


如果沒有遇見你 我將會是在那裡
日子過得怎麼樣 人生是否要珍惜
也許認識某一人 過著平凡的日子
不知道會不會 也有愛情甜如蜜

任時光匆匆流去 我只在乎你
人生幾何 能夠得到知己

所以我求求你 別讓我離開你

如果有那麼一天 你說即將要離去
我會迷失我自己 走入無邊人海裡
不要什麼諾言 只要天天在一起
我不能只依靠 片片回憶活下去

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

20110608 Departure Of Ricky Lim Seng Hee A3484

Clobs6567/ My Friends,

I write this advice to you with a heavy heart that our above schoolmate, a commerse graduate of our year, an active school basketballer has passed away suddenly at about 9.00pm last night. He operates successfully a hardware/building materials company, Honjen Enterprise Sdn Bhd in Subang Jaya. He had one of his last meetings with a number of us when Dr. Atomic Leow 9938 from Romania/Singapore came around PJ/KL on 18 Aug 10 at The Extra Super Tanker Restaurant, Damansara Kim PJ. Of course, he also had other meetings with other Clobs closer to him thenafter. He had left with 2 sons & a daughter.

On records, he is the 24th clob6567 who has left us. His wake services will be conducted on Wed & Thursday 8 & 9 Jun 11 respectively at The Nirwana Memorial Centre, Jln Sungei Besi before his funeral on Fri 9 Jun 11 morning.

As someone had commented now that we are in our sixties, we are now in the eliminating phase of our life. Still, it is sad to learn that Ricky Lim, an active attendant of Clobs6567 past gatherings/Reunions had left us.

May the Strength of Our Almighty be with his family!

Yours sincerely,

Clobs6567 Coordinator

Saturday, May 21, 2011




Sunday, May 15, 2011



多謝老同學,杜根煥博士在面子書裡, 與我們分享幾張非常精彩的鳥兒攝影照片:“小白鷺飛的多麼迷人” 。

照片中的這隻白鷺,外形和姿態,也像常在國畫中, 見到畫家畫空中飛着的白鶴。

據說,讓人辨認飛行中的白鷺和白鶴的特點,在於白鶴飛起時,喜歡伸長頸子,雙腳挂在身下﹔ 而白鷺飛起時, 喜歡縮頭縮頸,雙腳伸直到后面。

目前,我們也只能到飛禽公園, 才可以近距離看到白鷺或白鶴。

Saturday, May 14, 2011



Sunday, May 8, 2011


獻給天下的母親, 蕭芳芳感人的“媽媽好”原聲版, 作為母親節的禮物。


作詞:李雋青  作曲:劉宏遠  原唱:蕭芳芳(最原裝版本)

投進媽媽的懷抱 幸福享不了

離開媽媽的懷抱 幸福哪裡找?

要是他知道 夢裡也會笑

「不怕苦」 歌詞

流....浪.....流.....浪 .....

流浪苦呀流浪苦, 流浪的人兒受欺負, 有地方流浪還是福, 走投無路才真苦。

流浪苦呀流浪苦, 流浪的人兒沒幫助, 失去了爹娘靠師傅, 失去了師傅誰照

小梅小梅別訴苦, 師傅的說話要記住, 只要拿出勇氣來, 什麼困難都克服。

不怕苦呀不怕苦, 盡管世間多艱苦, 立定了志氣不退縮, 一步一步走向光明路。

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

1967 校刊 (四)

43 圖工作品
44 攝影作品
45 英巫文作品

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1967 校刊 (三)

34 班級照片
35 學生名錄
36 比賽得獎者名錄
37 圖書館報告
38 訓導處報告
39 體育組報告
40 事務處報告
41 教職員論著
42 學生作品

1967 校刊 (二)

24 1966年考生
25 1967年馬大校友
26 本刊編輯
27 課外活動
28 校隊
29 1966年度大事記
30 教務處報告
31 級任老師與級長
32 1966劍橋考試學生
33 1966初級考試學生

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1967 校刊 (一)

1 1967年校刊封面:金禧紀念特刊
2 1967年校刊封底
3 十大信條
4 目錄1
5 目錄2
6 序(一)駱葆亨
7 序(二)汪永年
8 校旗 校徽
9 校歌
10 本校發起人暨校董
11 本校簡史
12 檳城州長賀詞
13 檳城首席部長賀詞
14 教育部長賀詞
15 副教育部長賀詞
16 嘉賓賀詞
17 本校金禧慶典志盛
18 金禧紀念之各種圖片
19 學監會主席玉照
20 學監會玉照
21 本校組織系統表
22 校長汪永年先生
23 現任全體教職員

Saturday, April 23, 2011

1967 GCE/MCE考試及格名單

GCE Cambridge Ordinary Level Exam馬來西亞劍橋普通教育水准考試及格名單

MCE Malaysian Certificate of Education馬來西亞教育文憑考試及格名單

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1967 GCE/MCE考試及格学生照片

GCE Cambridge Ordinary Level Exam馬來西亞劍橋普通教育水准考試及格学生照片

MCE Malaysian Certificate of Education馬來西亞教育文憑考試及格学生照片

Monday, April 11, 2011



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Sunday, April 10, 2011

65/67 FORM 5B P&N LIST

CLOBS65/67 聚餐





內容不僅有校園文告,工作檔案, 還包括學生和老師的論著。



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Saturday, April 9, 2011



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