
前时贴过“电影业的变迁”的文稿, 讲述的旧,老戏院竟把京华戏院, 百乐门戏院和中央戏院给遗漏了。 回顾过去槟城20间戏院,看到现时残存的戏院, 真让我们怀念它昔日的风光。
Talking about “The Changes of Movie Theatre in Penang” The Kim Hua (Metropole) Movie Theatre, Paramount Movie Theatre and Central Movie Theatre were being missed out in previous blog post. The current existing deserted buildings let us reminisce about the former glory of the past 20 movie theatres in Penang.
50,60年代, 电影公司所摄制的影片, 都是什么伊士曼七彩或彩色宽银幕立体声巨片。 为使观众们能看到更大而完整的画面,能感受到强烈的听觉, 戏院也跟着提升银幕,音响和放映设备。
In the 1950s and 1960s, films were made with Eastman Color and wide screen stereo sound. The entire screen, sound and projection system of movie theatre were upgraded to attract movie fans to experience the strong sense of sound and wider view of sight.
邵氏兄弟影业机构在槟城的十余家戏院, 院址极其宽敞。 以舒适的座位,清晰的声光,在环绕立体声的音效下,务使观众们获得视听之娱, 给观众们最理想娱乐享受。
The Shaw Brothers Organization managed more than 10 movie theatres in Penang providing the audience with comfortable seats, still image and real cinema sound system.
70年代在根大打冷和车水路的丽士戏院REX THEATRE (图1), 首次采用超感立体声响,放映巨片 “大地震Earthquake”,让观众犹如身临其境的感受,继后的“超人Superman”,取得可观的票房,映期全院日日满座。 今天摇身一变成了巨型及现代化的MEKIO家具购物中心。
The Rex Movie Theatre located at the junction of Kinta Lane and Burma Road (Pic. 1) was the first movie theatre showing the blockbuster “Earthquake” (in 1974), following by “Superman”(in 1978). Rex utilized stereo sound with a low frequency rumble track achieved an impressive box-office. Today, it was turned to a big furniture shopping center, Mekio Furniture Centre.
为观看Clint Eastwood演出的意大利西部片,我进出港仔墘/槟榔律交接的首都戏院CAPITOL THEATRE(图2), 从第一部“A Fistful of Dollars“,第二部”A Few Dollars More”到第三部”The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”, 没有错过任何一部。 在光大发展计划下,原本计划要建Metro Jaya Supermarket商业中心,拆后却被搁置了好多年,现时改成停车场。
From“A Fistful of Dollars” to “A Few Dollars More”and then “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”,I did not missed out on viewing a single film of these Clint Eastwood’s Italian westerns showing in Capitol Movie Theatre. (Pic. 2). Under the development of Komtar Master Plan, MetroJaya Supermarket Complex was supposed to be built at Capitol Movie Theatre existing site. But the construction had deferred for many years. Capitol movie theatre was later demolished and became a car park until to-date.
60,70年代风靡了一阵的黄梅调电影,山歌戏曲片, 在柑仔园联邦戏院FEDERAL THEATRE(图3)占有优先放映期。 但随著时间的流逝,也慢慢地被人遗忘。 凌波的黄梅调,叶枫的山歌恋消逝后,联邦戏院也歇业了。 在新业主翻新下成为歌舞厅、卡拉OK场所等各类歌舞,吃喝的娱乐场所。
In the 60s and 70s, Huangmei style, folk songs and romantic films had given the Chinese audience a burst of popularity. Federal Movie Theatre (Pic. 3) at Dato Kramat Road was granted the priority of screening these categories of films. As time flied and favoritism faded, Federal Movie Theatre also went out of business. Eventually the theatre was converted to a dance hall and karaoke.
林连登一手建设的新世界游艺场, 让邵氏兄弟开始的游艺场和电影事业。 新世界游艺场设有两个入口处,由汕头巷那个口进去,旁边就是丽都戏院LIDO THEATRE 。 时而放映华片,或马来,印语片。 每日放映三场,首场为下午三时一刻,次场为傍晚六时一刻,末场则为晚上九时一刻。
The New World Amusement Park was established by the Chinese tycoon, Lim Lian Deng. It was also the starting point for Shaw brother to develop their amusement park and movie theatre industry. New World Park had two entrances. Lido Movie Theatre (Pic. 5) was built beside the Swatow Lane’s entrance. Mandarin, English and Malay films were released in Lodo. Three shows were running every day at 3.15pm, 6.15pm and 9.15pm.
设于新世界游艺场内之环球戏院GLOBE THEATRE,收费较廉。 入戏院,可选择买座位票或站着免费围睹观赏影片。 最后却让糖王郭鹤年旗下的PPB Harta Bina 有限公司改建成综合性饮食商业中心。 环球戏院GLOBE THEATRE(图4)拆倒成为停车场, 丽都戏院LIDO THEATRE(图5)也只剩下一段围墙,以供凭吊。
Global Theatre (Pic. 4) situated inside New World Park offering a cheaper ticket price. One could choose either to buy a seating ticket or have a free viewing if just standing beside the theatre to watch the film. The amusement park was later converted to a comprehensive food court managed by PPB Harta Bina Ltd which was owned by the past Chinese sugar tycoon, Robert Kuok. Lido Movie Theatre was eventually demolished to a section wall for memorial.
不可思议!我在乐宫戏院ROYAL 竟看过了几部重映本地著名影视歌才子,比南利(P.RAMLEE) 的影片, 欣赏到他那轻松,愉快, 幽默的演艺和歌曲。
It seems incredible that I was in Royal Theatre a few times enjoying the brilliant performance of many P.Ramlee films as singer, actor and comedian.
东方戏院EASTERN 则放映二三轮影片,但多属佳片, 故也能吸引广大观众。 附设于大世界游乐场内之中央戏院CENTRAL,以廉价专重映旧片,观众也可选择或买票坐着看或站着观赏免费电影。 戏院仅於晚上放映两场戏。
Eastern Theatre was releasing second sequence films, but mostly the past blockbuster. Central Cinema Theatre was offering low price ticket with old movies. Viewers were like Global Theatre of New World Park, to choose either to buy a seating ticket or a free standing viewing. Central mivie theatre only released only two shows at night time.
为建设槟城的新地标: 65层高的Komtar, 处于德顺街/港仔乾建设用地范围内的新,老建筑物,一间又一间,在破旧迎新的滚滚洪流中被拆倒,大世界游艺场兼场内的中央戏院CENTRAL THEATRE(图6),隔邻的东方戏院EASTERN THEATRE(图7),乐宫戏院ROYAL THEATRE(图8)和首都戏院CAPITOL THEATRE也不列外, 成为现时Komtar广场和Prangin Mall。
The new landmark building of Penang, 65-storeys Komtar was built between the junction of the Teik Soon Street and Prangin Weld. The Great World Park including of Central Movie Theatre (Pic. 6) and Eastern Movie Theatre (Pic. 7) together with Royal Movie Theatre (Pic. 8), Capitol Movie Theatre (Pic. 2) and all other buildings within the surrounding area were demolished for her erection.
由本屿峇峇,万兴美椰油较老板庄来福一手创办了南洋霜较,又兴建的庄清建戏园, 后来改名为中山戏院SUN CINEMA(图9)。 自己顾自己(潮州话),曾让潮剧迷扶老携幼, 前来观看经典潮剧“告亲夫”,我除了跟先父先母一起观看,还得陆续陪同几个外地来的亲家老奶奶温习。 中山戏院一连放映几部潮剧后即不再继新片。 在电影业走向没落的时期, 虽以三级片和艳舞团来吸引观众, 还是无法振奋娱乐市场和赢利。 如今也成了二三流的娱乐场所。
After the establishment of Nanyang Ice Cube Factory and Ban Hin Bee coconut oil mill, Penang’s Baba tycoon, Ch’ng Lai Hock set up the Cheng Kean Opera House. Later on it was renamed as Sun Cinema Theatre (Pic. 9). When the traditional Teowchew opera show “The Lawsuit against own Hubby” was playing in Sun Movie Theatre, I was forced to accompany relatives from main land to watch the same movie repeatedly. As movie fans began to decline, the x-rated films and seductive stripper shows were once attracted a large audience, but it did not stimulate the revenue of theatre and eventually Sun Movie Theatre had to close and today it was converted to a lower class café and karaoke.
60年代中, 有资格与邵逸夫的邵氏兄弟(香港)有限公司,在东南亚竞争电影王国的对手,惟有马来亚企业和慈善家陆佑的儿子,陆运涛的国际电影懋业有限公司,后期成为国泰机构。 除了发行影片,应市场发展,也不断增加戏院。 可惜后来陆运涛坠机身亡,国泰机构陷入群龙无首的境地。导致业务一蹶不振, 结业的国泰旗下的国泰戏院,奥迪安戏院和百乐门戏院,后由嘉禾电影有限公司经营。
In the 60s, the son of Loke Yew (Malayan famous business magnate and philanthropist) beside producing Mandarin films and the establishing of his cinema theatre chain, he also set up Cathay Organization. Loke Wan Tho was the serious competitor to Shaw Brothers. But unfortunately, following his death in a crash of flight, the rudderless situation had left the organization fell into the slump. The ownership of Cathay Movie Theatre, Odean Movie Theatre and Paramount Movie Theatres were later took over by Golden Harvest Picture Ltd .
自懂得观看电影,在槟榔律 国泰戏院看过的电懋歌舞片,曼波女郎,野玫瑰之恋著名奥斯卡电影十戒The Ten Commendments,看摩西神奇的力量,或美国西部开拓史的How The West Was Won.等等经典电影,至今仍留下留下深厚的回憶。 然而今天在音像电影市场被淘汰出来的国泰戏院CATHAY THEATRE(图10)已是Mydin集团的百货批发市场。
In Cathay Movie Theatre (Pic. 10), watching the Mandarin musical film “Mambo Girl”,”the Wild Rose” the amazing power of Moses from the best Oscars Award film “The Ten Commandments”. The western adventure of “How The West Was Won”and other, all these remarkable films were kept looked inside the deep memories. However Cathay Movie Theatre was being eliminated from the movie theatre industry and then converted to the Mydin Department Store.
奥迪安戏院ODEON THEATRE(图11)- 槟榔律, 在戏迷逐渐减少的2001年,奥迪安曾被逼关闭,幸有一批从事印度电影业者, 从新经营,让槟城硕果仅存的的奥迪安戏院继续生存,专映Bollywood印度片以娱印度影迷。
Odeon Movie Theatre (Pic. 11) also from Penang Road was forced to close at one time during the year of 2001 diue to the decline of audience attendance. Fortunately with the assistance of some Indian movie theatre operators, Odeon was the only movie theatre in Penang to resume the showing of the Indian Bollywood films.
与Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong 公共厕所正对面的Prangin Mall内的Starbucks Coffee House 原址, 既是港仔乾专映印度电影的前百乐门戏院PARAMOUNT THEATRE(图12)。 一有影片上映, 不管是新旧片,印度影迷均趋之若鹜,是为百乐门的黄金时代。
Starbucks Coffee House situated just facing opposite to the public toilet of Jalan Lim Chwee Leong. It was known that the existing location was housed by Paramount Movie Theatre (Pic. 12). Flock of Indian movie fans would come to Paramount whenever new or old films were showing. It was the golden era for Paramount Movie Theatre.
嘉宾戏院GALA THEATRE(图13)- 三星巷。 要走上前文华酒店(今天是Red Rock)的二楼才能进入戏院, 嘉宾大多数放映彩色动作西片确 ,包括史提芬史匹堡的科幻电影《第三类接触》(The Close Encounter),给观众带来前所未有的体验,曾掀起了巨大的浪潮,吸引了不少观众。 若映以古典文艺改篇之戏剧,观众多趑趄不前,可知本地戏迷对观赏电影的水准。 文华酒店数度关门,停了又换了主,近日由新业主Red Rock在装修改为赤石酒店和商业中心。
Gala Theatre (Pic. 13) was on the second floor of Mandarin Hotel (Today was Red Rock Hotel).Chase sense, gun play action movies were mostly shown at Gala Theatre. Steven Spielberg’s “The Close Encounter” (1977) was really the best scientific adventure movie that had attracted a huge wave of movie fans. But majority of movie fans would turn down Gala should she was on showing film of classic literature. Paramount Movie Theatre was never resumed operation after the closing of Mandarin Hotel.
丕春律大华戏院MAJESTIC THEATRE(图14), 是60,70年代播放左派电影大本营,长城电影制片公司,凤凰影业公司推出的作品,大多以反映中下层市民生活为主。 难得有机会观赏到长城影业公司在上海拍摄越剧艺术片, 由已移居加拿大的当年红星夏梦主演, 记得戏名有三看御妹刘金定,金枝玉叶和王老虎抢亲。 还有,陈龙武与我,几乎看完了在大华戏院重映周璇所主演的40多部旧影片。
The Majestic Cinema at Phee Choon Street (Pic. 14) was releasing the left-wing political films in the 60s and 70s. The contents were mostly on the issues related to the daily life of poor, lower-level class. Really enjoyed myself the marvelous Shanghai opera produced by the Great Wall Pictures Corporation, Feng Huang (Phoenix) Motion Picture Company and Ms Hsia Moon for her brilliant performance. Together with classmate, Tan LW we had completely enjoyed ourselves the nearly 40 old films acted by Zhao Xuan in Majestic Cinema.
柑仔园的星光戏院STAR THEATRE(图15) - 演唱黄梅调歌电影的凌波,还没成名时叫小娟, 在星光所演出的福建(即闽南语)电影“安安寻母 ”,让小时候的我也跟着一把鼻涕一把泪。 戏院规模虽小,却是老姨老妈闲逛的境地。现已成为一家颇具规模的各类灯饰供应中心。
The sad Fujian (Hokkian) movie, “Aun Aun Looking for Mother” acted by the famous Huangmei opera singer, Ivy Ling Po who was formerly named as Xiao Juan made me tear up while showing in Star Cinema (Pic. 15). Although it was a small scale movie theatre, it was also the common leisure place for the old aunties. Today, Star Cinema was converted to a lighting shop.
关闭后至到今天,仍死气沉沉的坐落在二条路。 新都戏院,这荒废多年的戏院WEMBLEY THEATRE(图16),让童子鸡年代的我,不时偷偷摸摸,垂头急步闯进来看激情三级片或艳舞, 看到最后, 想看的竟看不到,扫兴的走出来。
From the end of business to today, Wembley Cinema (Pic. 16) was remained abandon at Noordin Street. During adolescent age, the mind was droved by sexual curiosity and interest to view the x-rated films and seductive stripper shows. Usually would walk out from the theatre unhappily with the ending to the show.
若能记得起莲花河的星槟日报社,就该记得京华戏院, 由马来亚艺人张莱莱自制自编自导自演的“马来亚狂恋”,在新加坡,马六甲拍摄,把椰风蕉雨的景色搬上银幕。 还有以吉隆坡和怡保锡矿地为背景的本土味电影“黑金”,非常遗憾记不起华裔演员,仅记得京华戏院。 经风雨的老牌戏院也就被报销。 City Bayview Hotel 和文秀嘉摩多有限公司占据京华戏院(图17)旧址。
Should you remember the spot where Sin Pin Daily Press was erected in Leith Street, then you should remember Kim Hua (Metropole) Cinema (Pic. 17). Two films which were entirely shot from local tropical scenery were released in Kim Hua Movie Theatre. With kampong scenery, Ms Zhang Lai Lai made a self-composing, self-directing, self-acting and self-producing of “Love from Malaya”. Showing of the dulang washing and other related tin mining scenery were projected on the film “the Black Gold”. The theatre was finally gave way to City Bayview Hotel and Boon Siew Motor Building.
在大路后,专映二轮影片的美都戏院(图18),墙上挂满了电影剧照的油画海报,都是有噱头的广告, 紧张, 刺激, 香艳,肉感,爱情,文艺片。 曾经被改成一座教堂,响亮的钟声,福佑撒遍人间。 教堂乔迁, 如今让位于从事美术工艺设计公司。
The eye catching posters with outstanding artwork and illustrations were hanged inside and outside of Metro Cinema Theatre (Pic. 18) at Perak Road. The theatre had once been converted to a small church and later turned to a business logo design service company.
中南戏院CHONG NAM THEATRE(图19)- 甘榜巴鲁/湖花园。 停业后,戏院的椅子被拆掉了,改成制衣厂, 只耐一段时光就停业。 现是一间由教会主理的全备福音中心 (Full Gospel Assembly), 把福音传播得更远。
After the close of Chong Nam Cinema (Pic. 19), the seating chairs were removed and changed to a small garment factory for a short period. Currently the Full Gospel Assembly Church had taken over the premise for spreading the gospel to one another.
阿依淡/升旗山路口的国宾戏院AMBASSADOR THEATRE(图20),风光时期,带动当地的经济繁荣,却也无法长期生存。 后改成来来百货市场,也因市场的变动被迫关闭。 今天国宾打着“情人点心Darling Dim Sum”号召,成为阿依淡区和升旗山的饮食中心 。
The surrounding area of Ayer Itam had enjoyed a great economic prosperity in the glorious period of Ambassador Cinema (Pic. 20). It was later taken over by Lai Lai Department Store for business until the sale conditions fell off and profit dropped. Rely on local customers, today the premise was changed to a Dim Sum restaurant.
在那里看电影, 片名, 剧情,都不重要了; 重要的是, 变了样的戏院是否还能残存下来? 它们都是槟城变迁的最好历史见证者。 好想念昔日老,大戏院的风光!
It is not important on how we look in the films, it is more important to know the changes of these deserted premises. The old movie theatres are the solid witness to Penang History. We really miss the good old days of these movie theatres.
有以上那些旧戏院的照片吗 (还未关闭前)?? 最怀念中南和国宾戏院,有誰知道以上那些戏院关闭的日期吗??京华戏院连个影都没看过就没了, 好可惜。
ReplyDelete顺贴一张首都戏院Capitol Theatre未被拆掉的老照。
ReplyDelete两间戏院就是中南和国宾,比较便宜, 那时候应该是双秦双林的当红时期, 如有那两间戏院的照片,我会感激万分。
ReplyDelete我听我父母讲,新都戏院当年闹鬼,是真的吗??还有一部泰国片 “蛇魔女” 当年也蛮轰动的, 你记得是在那一间戏院上映吗??
ReplyDelete闹鬼流言是人云亦云。蛇魔女这部电影播放期间,确实轰动满城。放映戏院倒也是记不起了,该是在二线戏院, 如新都,中山。
ReplyDelete可以分享多一点以上那些旧戏院的故事吗??七十年代的戏院还有分首轮,二轮不同日期先后放映同一部电影,联邦戏院都放映首轮的??那美都,国宾 中南等都放映二三轮吗??是不是比较便宜??可以多聊一些国宾 中南 美都 星光 京华等的点点滴滴吗??
ReplyDelete6,70年代左派长城凤凰的电影多在中南, 大华戏院上映。
谢谢回复, 也祝你身体健康 万事如意。
ReplyDeleteAlex, I have translated the full text to plain English for your easy reading. Thanks for viewing my stuff. BTW my friends is looking for the old photo of Chong Nam and Ambassador Cinema, should you come to know who have these photos, kindly let me know. Thanks.
ReplyDelete对不起啊,我对以前的老戏院很怀念,想在老一辈人知道多一些,40-60年代出生的人都看过以上那些旧戏院,而我这70后的就记不起这些老戏院了大华戏院在1988年7,8月间重新营业,第1套放映的是周润发,王祖贤的“长短脚之恋” 89年1月间,新都,中山也重新营业。
ReplyDelete这两张旧照是取自新世界游艺场, 包括环球与丽都戏院创建人,即已故韩江中学董事长林连登的传记。
ReplyDelete还是没找到旧国宾和中南戏院的照片??1980-1983 年间应该还没拆除吧
ReplyDelete國賓和中南戲院, 易業主之後,還是文風不動,依舊留在原地至今。