Thursday, February 28, 2008

Clob656769 40th Reunion (3)

This article is posted again at:

Thanks to Oh Eng Tat for another seven (7) photos taking by his son during the reunion dinner.

He has taken a good shot of all uncles smiling at the camera.

As not to split into more pages, his photos have been added to this blog for your viewing.

Just wanted to say thanks to Foo Kiat for sharing his photos taking during last reunion and allowing me to post on this blog .

There are some more photos provided by Luku Teh and Fuan Wah at the following blog:

Sunday, February 17, 2008


母校钟中的改制, 对于已故汪永年校长的功过, 让历史去评论。

比较客观的看法, 实事求是说, 已故汪校长在我们心目中的形象是个好校长。

更重要的是, 对钟中的改制, 起到非常关键的作用人物, 还是已故陈充恩校长。

陈故校长掌校时, 钟中已中, 英双语并重。

若不是陈故校长在1952年2月4日蒙难, 也许,已故汪校长不必受到担当钟中改制的“指责” 。

请参阅校友欧宗敏在光华日报, 对陈故校长的撰述, 让我们见得他的胸怀和远见。


作者: 欧宗敏 光华日报 2008年2月2日 下午二时十七分







陈故校长的英文水平也不在话下。二战期间,陈故校长避难金马仑长达3年。他把3年在金马仑的务农生活,用英文写成一篇散文,取名《In Hiding》,文章谈到他的宗教信仰、人生信念,以及步入壮年的生命思考,实在有别于其他气势磅礴的大我文章。








文章时,缅怀那“充乎天地之间永留正气,恩及师生以外共仰完人 ”的伟大人格及情操。


的一张照片, 来回顾母校历史上1956年11月23日学潮事件。

在殖民地时代, 华校一直是传承中华文化的重地。

殖民地政府的“1952年教育法令”, 接纳了“巴恩报告书”, 以英, 巫文媒介的国民学校取代华,印文学校。

因受到各界强烈反对, 不能执行, 逐以“1954年教育白皮书”建议, 在华校增开英文班, 来取代华文班, 结果还是被华校拒绝。

1956年顿“拉萨教育报告书”内的一种语文教育政策, 也为今日华, 印文学校埋下了伏线。

改制后的母校, 钟中和以故汪永校长年的功绩, 见仁见智。

请参阅转载自暨南国际大学, 东南西研究所, 陈子鹦先生的硕士论文:

马来亚华文中学改制 – 汪永年与钟灵中学为列
The Reformation of Malaya Chinese School to Government high school – Waung Yoong Nien with Chung Ling High School as example

第五章程: 11.23学潮分析汪永年与钟中改制

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Ewe Yong

Still in the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year,

It’s your birthday today, 10th February 2008.

Your birthday only comes around once a year.

I wish you good health and good happiness.

Ah! Should be all the best for your birthday!

your 58th birthday:

Friday, February 8, 2008


A belated news from Kwong Wah Yit Poh dated 6th February 2008.

Former Penang State Assemblyman, Mr Ng Swee Khim 黄瑞欽老先生 was called to the Heavenly Home on 4th February 2008.

I am not quite familiar with brother Ng Chin Aun 黄进安 but know that the late Mr Ng is his father.

My heartfelt condolences to Chin Aun and family.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Clob656769 40th Reunion

This article is posted again at:

Today is the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year.

Wishing All of You a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Year of Rat.

Here are some photos from the reunion event.

The first set of photos was contributed by Luku Teh taken during the reunion dinner.

The second set of photos on the handing over of fund was provided by Fuan Wah.

Email of Luku Teh wrote on 5th February 2008:

Hallo everybody Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year

鼠1鼠2鼠來寶 戊子年行大運 身體好


** Let us again fall into the night when we were....

Email of Fuan Wah wrote on 5th February 2008:

To All Our Dear Friends,

The organizing committee has handed over the money collected during to 40th Re-union Dinner to the representatives from following organizations on January 12, 2008.

1. Penang Chung Ling High School Union, Committee RM62,180
2. Phor Thay High School Building Committee RM50,000
3. Chung Ling Private School, Principal RM20,000

The principal amount of the Class 65/67 Scholarship Fund now stands at RM372180.00

Attached herewith are the acknowledgement letters and receipts from Penang Chung Ling High School Union and Chung Ling Private High School for your viewing.

The others are the photographs taken on January 12, 2008 to confirm the handing over of the money to the respective organizations.

The first photograph is the handing over of the cheque amounting to RM62,180 to the President of Penang Chung Ling High School Union.

The second photo is to the representatives from the Phor Thay High School Building Committee and the third photo is to the Headmaster of Chung Ling Private School.

Also include in the above attachment is the list of the donors, dinner expenditure and a breakdown of the total donations collected.

The receipts for the Phor Thay High School Building Fund will be mailed to you after the Chinese New Year.

The committee would like to take this opportunity to wish all our dear friends 新年快樂﹐ 身體健康﹐ 萬事如意。

The organizing Committee
Please refer to previous post on 40th reunion gathering:

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Thean Chye

Por Thean Chye,

I would like to extend my heartfelt Happy Birthday Greeting to you on 5th February 2008

and wish you a year of fantastic health and wonderful times.

The Chinese Lunar New Year holiday will begin the coming Thursday, 7th February 2008.

How will you celebrate the Chinese New Year in UK?

Happy Birthday to you, Thean Chye

and Gong Xi Fa Cai for the New Year.