Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy 57th Birthday to Ooi Yew Seng (黄幼生)!

The Accountant who speaks no evil, sees no evil and hears no evil.

I am proud that we have been schoolmate, friend and colleague for more than 35 years.

May only the best of things come your way this year and always!

Happy 57th Birthday to Ooi Yew Seng (黄幼生)!


  1. Happy Birthday to Mr. Ooi Yew Seng, the brother of Mr. Ooi Kim Seng. The last we met in PJ Lake Garden in 1974 when you were student in one of the colleges in PJ. I remembered I rode YAMAHA to meet you there. Keep fit and enjoy life while you can.
    Best regards from Seoh CS

  2. 郁勝兄是鍾靈的超標準產品, 我們已經有了10大信條, 不過他最少自創另外10大原則. 我無法運用簡單詞彙描述他. 套用武俠小說的用語, 他 《百邪不侵》, 是反貪污局長的最佳人選.

  3. 非也,只有他的夫人才能令他生邪念,破戒律!!

  4. 得澄清,我是恭喜她生了两位美丽,聪颖,孝顺和乖巧的女儿。

  5. Yew Seng A3410, Belated Happy Birthday 16 Mar ! From: Khoo Boo Hock. If I remember correctly, your EA had started rejecting my mails to you.Please sign up with Yahoomail or gmail and advise.
