Tuesday, August 9, 2022



訊息摘自煥華學長WhatsApp 原文如下:


To all our dear CLOBs, 

At our 55th anniversary reunion dinner on 16-July 2022, we announced and started our fund raising for the Chung Ling Schools new building and facilities.   

In just two weeks, we had received and collected donations amounting to RM 266,900.00 from many of you. 

Thank you very much for all the generous donations and the 愛吾鍾靈的精神.   

In view of the tremendous response to the fund raising, the organizing committee decided to distribute the amount as follows, with the major amount goes to the school new building and facilities

 鍾靈國民型中學       RM 30,000.00

 北海鍾靈中學          RM 30,000.00

 鍾靈獨立中學          RM 50,000.00

 鍾靈董事會。          RM 156,900.00

We had on 6-August 2022 presented all the above amount to the 三校校長 and 鍾靈董事長, at our lunch function at the CRC restaurant. Photos of the cheques presentation are attached herewith for your viewing.

In addition to the donations collected under 鍾靈65/67/69年高中一/ 高中三/ 先修班 同學會, our dear friend, Dato Sri 林嘉水 has personally donated RM 100,000.00 to 鍾靈獨中 允電子創意學會室. 

The organizing committee would like to say Thank you again to everyone for their attendance to the 55th anniversary reunion dinner, generous donation and making this reunion a memorable one.

We look forward to seeing all of you in 5 years time in Penang for our 60th anniversary reunion.

However, should anyone of you from overseas or other states come back to Penang for holidays or for other matters, please do drop a line and we shall organize a get together lunch or dinner to meet up with old friends.

In the meantime, please do stay safe and healthy.

Wishing all of you and your family a Happy and Healthy life.

From Organizing Committee

鍾靈65/67/69 年高中一/高中三 / 先修班同學會